Class 2
Communicating In Second Life I still feel like a newborn lamb in second life, stumbling around the place trying to find my feet. Talking to a few of second life's residents i got a better understanding of what its all about while having interesting conversations. I did find it hard to find people to talk to outside of the chat dedicated spaces and most of the greetings i got where unwelcome. The first conversation i had was with G3nuin3 an alleged deputy sheriff in California who assured me he was nothing like Sherlock Holmes. Muddy's Music Cafe In our brief conversation we discussed me going to California or why i shouldn't as its "overrated". G3niun3 told me he wanted to visit Ireland someday and I recommended he spend the majority of his time in the west then one or two days in Dublin. Similar to California, Dublin is also "overrated". I was an easy and well flowing conversation. It was like i was texting him on snapchat or whatsapp. That...