Class 6

Online Persona

In content marketing, does your online persona stand out from the ... 

Our personna is powerful and it matters greatly how people perceive us, regardless of whether it's face to face or online. How we present ourselves online can be  determined through our likes, dislikes, culture and our psychological profile. Online we have the ability to craft and curate a new identity or adjust our daily one. Perhaps there is a side of us which we do not show to the real world and online proves to be the perfect outlet. Maybe those of us who live impetuously may opt for a calmer approach online and vice versa. Online we have the ability to present our ideal self. To flaunt what we want but don't have or others may wish to stay true to themselves. On instagram or facebook we are able to present snapshots of what we want people to see and think about us and they may also not be true at all but our perfect ideal. Our online personas may be distant extensions of ourselves or completely false. 

In real life we judge people on the way they walk and talk. We assess body language, facial structure, cleanliness, skin colour, gender, sexuality, humour and personality. A Lot of which we have little or no control over and it decides whether people approach us, like us or if we get hired. The persona and its perception is incredibly powerful and it dictates our life without us always knowing. Online we have the inhuman ability to mould a personna. We have the ability to influence others' perceptions of us. We might sculpt ourselves to fit our cultural standards of beauty. We might attempt to make it look as if effortlessly threw an outfit together to make people believe we have a niche for style. We might dress in clothes that really dont make sense because we want people to see us as quirky and alternative. 

Our online persona is our branded and advertised selves. It's our visual and written identity which isn't subject to the same face to face judgement as the aforementioned.    


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